The concept of smart products is still new to many customers, so familiarizing them with this category is vital to help them make an informed purchase decision. To effectively present Dixons Carphone’s line of Smart Home and Smart Watch products and educate customers on their many features, Outform Group created an interactive space to provide customers with a complete hands-on experience at Harrods department stores.

The space ingrates stations featuring bright items that shoppers can explore and engage with to understand better how the products can enhance their lives. Touch screens accompany the products to help explain all their features and benefits to let shoppers get accustomed to their full potential.

Open and easy to navigate through, the contemporary design of The Dixons Smart Home Immersion Space created a beautiful showcase for the various Smart Home and Smart Wear products.

The space’s immersive elements helped each product stand out and speak to the consumers, allowing shoppers to see how the items could improve daily life through convenience and comfort.

  • Superior Quality
  • Fully Interactive
  • Enhanced CX
  • Quick Turnaround


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